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~ We do not seek the destruction of Iraq. Nor do we seek to punish the Iraqi people for the decisions and policies of their leaders. ~ President George Bush Senior

~ They know we own their country . . .we dictate the way they live and talk. And that's what's great about America right now. It's a good thing, especially when there's a lot of oil out there we need. ~ Brigadier-General William Looney, director of the bombing of Iraq


Even as we gear up to go to war against this country again (a war we are told is inevitable, and will continue regardless of popular support), our sanctions and bombs continue to ravage the normal human beings who happen to live in Iraq. While we are told that Saddam Hussein is a horrible monster that has terrorized his country, the rest of the history of the region is being completely rewritten. The basic facts about Iraq have been divided into the following sections:

NOTE: Much of my information for this section is taken from John Pilger's new book, The New Rulers of the World. His section on post-Gulf War Iraq is much more extensive than the facts I've outlined above, and includes personal testimonies of people he met on a trip to Iraq (including doctors, etc), as well as interviews with those involved in the sanctions in the United States. If you're at all interested in the issue, this book is a must. Other sources include Andrew and Patrick Cockburn's Out of the Ashes: The Resurrection of Saddam Hussein, William Blum's Rogue State and Tariq Ali's The Clash of Fundamentalisms.